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Program Roadmap

  • 1: August - December: 12 credits coursework (6 credits -SERD; 6 credits SOM; 3 Modules YCA)

  • 2: January - May: 12 credits coursework (6 credits -SERD; 6 credits SOM; 3 Modules YCA)

  • 3: June - July: 6 credits practicum / final project (6 credits either SERD or SOM; Yunus Colloquium; 4 Masterclasses)

  • 4: August - September: practicum / sandbox/ final project (either SERD or SOM; 7 Business Design Sandbox) 


YCM can be completed part - time over 3 years with permission of the School Deans
Exit Options for Part-time Students

  • Successful completion of Semester 1: YCA Professional Certificate in Enterprise-led Development

  • Successful completion of Semester 2: January - May: YCA Professional Certificate in Sustainability & Entrepreneurship

  • Successful completion of Inter-Semester: June - July: YCA Professional Certificate in Social Business Principles

  • Successful completion of Sandbox: August - September: YCA Professional Certificate in Social Business Design



Detailed Summary of the Coursework


August to December






  • SB Practicum 

    • Field Lab 1 Social Problems & Traditional Solutions 

    • Case Review 1 Critique of Social Businesses around the World

    • Workshop 1 Analytical Tools for Social Business Entrepreneurs


January to May






  • SB Practicum

    • Field Lab 2 Assignments with Grameen Network partners

    • Case Review 2 Reflective Review of Social Business Assignments

    • Workshop 2 Design Tools for Proof of Concept & Business Plans

Inter - Semester:

June to July


  • Practicum (required) 

  • Internship - co-delivered with Yunus, co-supervised by SERD or SOM Faculty Advisor within the Yunus Colloquium.



  • Yunus Colloquium

    • Masterclass 1 - Economic Theories and Business Models 

    • Masterclass 2 - Entrepreneurship and Societal Development 

    • Masterclass 3 - Poverty, Inequality, & Wealth Concentration 

    • Masterclass 4 - MDGs, SDGs, and the Three Zeroes​

Note: Academic Requirements have to be completed to enroll in the Sandbox Semester

Sandbox Semester :

August to September


  • Final Project (required) 

    • Social Business Project co-delivered with Yunus, co-supervised by SERD or SOM Faculty Advisor within the Sandbox, in preparation for the annual Social Business Design Challenge



  • SB Sandbox (integrated with Social Business Plan preparation)

    • Seminar 1 - Management Principles for Social Business 

    • Seminar 2 - Financial Management for Social Business 

    • Seminar 3 - Marketing and Social Business 

    • Seminar 4 - Developing and Managing Talent for Social Business 

    • Seminar 5 - Social Business, Innovation & Technology 

    • Seminar 6 - Social Business for the Aged & Young 

    • Seminar 7 - Social Business and the Corporate World

Ready to Impact the Community with Your Social Business?

Questions? Let us know how we can help!

Thanks for submitting!

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