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Start Your Application Here!


  • Please click the 'Required Documents' to know which documents are required for the application process.

  • Make sure you have all your documents before starting the application.

  • It will take around 10 to 15 minutes to fill up all the fields in the form.

  • Don't forget to the click the 'Submit Application' after you finish your application.

Section A: Personal Information

Order in which you want your AIT documents to be in


Civil Status


Section B: Academic Qualification

Address of the University

Leave Attendance (To) Blank if not Finished Yet

Leave Blank if not Finished Yet

(If Numeric: Without decimal point, maximum 5 digits; With decimal point: maximum 2 digits before & after the decimal point.)

Degree Certificate

Section C: English Proficiency

If you still have no English score, select "Online EET or EET by Partners" or "EET by LC or the schools" and enter "-" in the Score field. After that please contact

Attach Document

Section D: Plan For Study

Section E: Financial Support

AIT offers financial assistance on a competitive basis to applicants who are outstandingly qualified.

Do you need Financial Assistance

If no, please indicate how you intend to finance your study?

Section F: Professional Qualification

Please submit your detailed resume and additional document (if applicable) indicating:

  1. Define your purpose in studying at AIT and describe how your career objectives would be enhanced by pursuing graduate studies at AIT. (You may also use this portion to supply additional information which you believe is necessary to support your application.)

  2. If you have not been employed since you left university, please describe your professional activities during this period.

  3. Please list titles of publications, major papers, or theses of which you are author or coauthor, if any. If published, give citation.

  4. Please list scholarships, prizes, honors, awards and other recognitions, if any.

  5. Please list membership in honor societies and professional organizations, if any.

Upload Related Documents below:

Attach Document 1
Attach Document 3
Attach Document 5
Attach Document 7
Attach Document 2
Attach Document 4
Attach Document 6
Attach Document 8

Section G: Recommendations

Please Upload Recommendation Letters in the Section Provided Below:

*Two Letter of Recommendations are required. However, you can upload any additional ones.

Recommendation 1
Recommendation 3
Recommendation 2
Recommendation 4
Recommendation 5

I understand that withholding pertinent information requested in this application form or giving false information will make me ineligible for admission to the Asian Institute of Technology and/or face immediate dismissal from the Institute. To the best of my knowledge, I certify that the information contained in this application is true, complete and accurate.

Thank you!

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Questions? Let us know how we can help!

Thanks for submitting!

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