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To our New International Students


This is an unusual time in human history. The Asian Institute of Technology has been working closely with the Royal Thai Government, which has informed the various Royal Thai Embassies about our students. AIT and the Royal Thai Government wants you on campus as soon as feasible, and we apologize that this is a long and complicated process. Given the fluid nature of the pandemic, details are also changing frequently. Since situations vary in different countries, and there may be differences in procedures, please work with the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate in your country. 


Visa Application


Please contact the Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate to apply for an “ED” visa [because of Covid-19, a Certificate of Entry (CoE) is also required] 


For New Students


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Process of Entry into Thailand


The process of entry into Thailand during COVID-19 global pandemic involves several components/steps: a Certificate of Entry, booking of flight, booking of quarantine venue, and collection of visa. Please check with your nearest Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate for specific instructions and sequence of actions. 


  • Certificate of Entry (CoE)

    • Complete a CoE Application Form ​

    • Complete a Declaration Form stating travel history and intention (Depending on the embassy, this could be completed online or on a printed copy) ​

    • Obtain Health Insurance & Provide proof of a Health Insurance Policy with coverage of at least US$ 100,000, including coverage of Covid-19 treatment. (Note: Generali is your medical insurance provider at AIT and it does cover Covid-19 treatment. Although its coverage is less than US$ 100,000, some Royal Thai Embassies may accept this.) ​

Note: if the Thai Embassy does not accept Generali, or if you want additional coverage, you should find another insurance provider on your own.


AIT is not responsible for any additional Covid-19 insurance, but if you do want to purchase it on your own, AIT will provide you some financial subsidy: For this Fall Semester, if you purchase additional Covid-19 insurance, upon your arrival at AIT, you will be reimbursed 50% of the premium you paid for this insurance, up to a maximum of US$ 200 (in Thai Baht equivalent).


One such provider which you can explore, is Seven Corners Liaison Travel Medical Plus, which has been used by some students successfully to apply for the CoE. You can deal directly with them. If you wish, and ask for Merriel at: (; (Note: This is not an AIT endorsement.)



  • Quarantine

    • ​AIT has been approved by the Royal Thai Government as an official Organizational Quarantine (OQ) site. Our overseas students can undergo their 14-day quarantine, upon arrival in Thailand, in the AIT OQ.



  • Flights

    • While you are at the Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate, discuss with them available seats on repatriation flights. (Note: In some countries, there may still be a few commercial flights coming to Bangkok, but please note that at this time of uncertainty, they might be subject to last minute cancellation. Check extremely carefully. 

      • Select the flight and seat with Thai Embassy/Consulate The Thai Embassy/Consulate will work with you to reserve a seat on a repatriation flight to Thailand. The Embassy will accordingly inform you of the flight schedules and costs, and when you will be approved to get on a flight to Thailand. ​

      • Pick up CoE at the Embassy/Consulate The Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate will contact the student to pick up their CoE, when there is an available seat in any of the available flights. ​

      • Please note that students can only proceed with the following processes after obtaining the Certificate of Entry and completing the quarantine booking and other requirements: ​

      • Purchase a ticket within 72 hours of departure (either at Airline Office or at Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate, depending on advice of latter) After selecting a flight, students will need to purchase a ticket. Required documents are: ​


  • Certificate of Entry (CoE)

  • ASQ Hotel Booking Confirmation Letter

  • Covid-19 Clearance Test Result (within 72 hours of departure)

  • Fit-to-Fly Certificate (within 72 hours of departure) ​


Communicate your flight details to as soon as they are confirmed.


  • Visa Collection

    • Students visit Royal Thai Embassy to obtain their ED visa. Documents to be presented are:​

      • Covid-19 Clearance Test Result (within 72 hours of departure) 

      • Fit-to-Fly Certificate (within 72 hours of departure) 

      • ASQ Booking Confirmation Letter


  • Departure and Arrival

    • Documents required for Departure flight check-in and for Arrival in Thailand are: 

      • Certificate of Entry (CoE) 

      • Covid-19 Clearance Test Result (within 72 hours of departure) 

      • Fit-to-Fly Certificate (within 72 hours of departure) 

      • ED Visa 

Met all the requirements?

Questions? Let us know how we can help!

Thanks for submitting!

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